
DAAD Scholarships for Developing Countries; University of Hohenheim AgEcon Scholarships 2020

University of Hohenheim AgEcon Scholarships; Masters degree Scholarship

AgEcon Scholarships are sponsored by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) under its special initiative “Development-Related Postgraduate Courses” (EPOS).


The DAAD scholarship awards initiative is aimed at providing academically educated young professionals from developing countries with further specialized studies. The typical scholarship holder will come either from a public authority or state or private company in a developing country and as such be engaged in the planning and execution of directives and projects with emphasis on development policy.




The process of selection for the DAAD scholarships is highly competitive.

  1. Only developing country nationals with at least four years of full-time university education
  2. Candidates must have had an outstanding Bachelor’s degree
  3. Scholarship applicants need to prove a minimum of two years of relevant professional experience.
  4. The graduation from university should not be longer than 6 years ago.





  1. DAAD scholars will receive a monthly stipend of EUR 750 over the two-year AgEcon Scholarships program period
  2. Successful applicants will do a two-months intensive German language course before the program starts.

Note: The German language course is an integral part of the DAAD initiative. It takes place in the months of August and September at the Language Center of the University of Hohenheim.

Closing Date: 1st December 2019

Application Link:


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